picture is in metalic blue and black and chrimson metalic red and black of futuristic black faces 3 large facing left right(men) and center is a blue womans face with a head dressing like cleopatra. Red figures are smaller girl at bottom left with future hair facing to the left and man with mohecan on the right facing forwards top center is a child minor

Neptune Frost (2021)

Director: Anisia Uzeyman, Saul Williams Writers: Saul Williams Stars: Cheryl Isheja, Elvis Ngabo, Diogène Ntarindwa Genres: musical sci-fi IMDb Rating: 6.6/10 Age Ratings: 15 English Subtitles Date and Time: Tuesday 14th February 6pm
In an otherworldly e-waste camp made of recycled computer parts, a subversive hacking collective attempts a takeover of the authoritarian regime exploiting the region’s natural resources–and its people. Bursting with ideas and ambition, Neptune Frost is difficult to describe — and just as hard to resist Book tickets on this Link